He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10.
I awoke this morning with this verse in my heart.
Summer for me is a time of a certain restlessness. I think that other college students on break can certainly relate. After going away to school, being on your own, meeting different people, growing, challenging yourself, and experiencing life away from home, to return to your hometown can be tough.
The initial enjoyment of the company of your family and the comfort of your own bed and your own room can fade quickly. After all, you spent the year in practically a state of chaos. You adapted to a new environment and conquered countless challenges like overcoming homesickness, maintaining a high GPA, building new relationships and figuring out just who it is that you are. Now you are home. Probably at your old minimum wage job, far away from the friends that you made at school and somewhat at a standstill in terms of achieving career goals. School is no longer in session and a certain dullness may settle in to your lifestyle.
You may feel discontent with where you are. You may feel like you are trapped. Spinning your wheels. Going no where. And it doesn't help that photos of friends appearing to have the time of their lives, doing exciting things and going exotic places are all over social media. It can inspire envy and an even greater feeling of discontent.
It is hard to go from a speed of 100 miles per hour down to ten. If you do not understand my analogy, please let me explain. College is busy. At school, homework is ever present in our lives. You literally live with thousands of peers on campus, so you are forever surrounded by people, like it or not. You have so many responsibilities, a lot of which are totally new to you, like laundry and actually following and adhering to a syllabus. Things can get a bit insane. And then you come home. There is no homework to do. There is no more roommates. And your mom is back to tend to those needs that you had to fill yourself at school, like making dinner or doing laundry. At first it is glorious. But then that anxiousness stirs within.
At least that is how I feel at times. However, this morning God put a message in my heart. "Be still and know that I am God," He whispered as I woke up. Sure my summer has not been glamorous. I don't have an exciting and prestigious internship, I'm not studying abroad or traveling to an exotic place. But I am where God wants me to be. He is telling me to be still. He is telling me to hang in there. He is telling me to trust Him. Sure my job at the Dairy Queen isn't a real resume builder. And yes it does really stink that my boyfriend and I are over a thousand miles apart. But God is telling me that there are better days to come. He is reminding me that He is in control. That my life will be pieced together in His perfect timing.
If you also find your summer to be somewhat disheartening, be still. Know that God is in control of your life. He hasn't abandoned you. Trust in Him. And try to make the most of the situation that you are in.
I find that many of us are unhappy with where we are. We think when things aren't working out, we need something new. In our youth we tend to be restless. We think we have to be going to exotic places and doing fun things at all times. We think that there no opportunities where we are currently. As a result, we close our eyes to what is right before us. God has led me to exciting opportunities this summer in the small town I grew up in in Western Pennsylvania. He's provided me with a good summer job in which I can make much needed money for books and gas and future endeavors. He's given me the opportunity to lead my church in contemporary worship, something new to our congregation. He's given me time to rest and relax and spend time with my family. I've made a true attempt to trust in Him this summer, and He has provided. As a result, my restlessness has turned to gratitude.
So I encourage you to not waste your summer day dreaming. Instead, I encourage you to open your eyes to the opportunities that God has placed before you. When you turn the wheel over to God, He guides your path to fulfillment. He will be with you guiding you and providing for you this summer and all the days of your life. So be still, my friends, and know that He is God.
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