Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Simplifying Marriage

I am growing a bit weary of those who create a future wedding board on Pinterest. For those who are not avid pinners like myself, please let me explain. Girls (and perhaps a few guys) of all ages are creating collections of ideas and items they wish to include in their future weddings and saving them online for future references. There is just one thing missing from their collections: a significant other. Is anyone else seeing a major red flag? I understand that most girls spend a lot of time dreaming of their ideal ceremony from the moment they are very small until their actual wedding day. However, in my opinion, an elaborate wedding ceremony is entirely insignificant and quite frankly a total waste of money if the relationship between the two individuals eloping is not solid and loving. It will not matter if your bridesmaids wore Prada gowns or that your caterer served Baked Alaska if your relationship is not founded on love and is not long lasting.

Perhaps our divorce rates are so high because the emphasis of eloping is no longer on the individuals that are becoming one, but on the extravagance of the event. In addition, I believe that society's perception of marriage has become far too lax over the years. For example, if I find something while shopping that I am not sure that I will want to keep forever, I tend to buy it anyway, because I know that I am always able to return it if I decide that the item is not for me. However, I do not feel that this same concept should apply to an institution as special as marriage. Yet this has become the generally accepted principle for marriage, "We'll get married, and if it doesn't work out, we can always get a divorce." Marriage is intended to be a permanent promise, a vow that will exist for eternity, not a "we'll see" or a "maybe."

I know what you may be thinking, and yes, it may be extreme to imply that future marriage boards on Pinterest are contributing to high divorce rates. However, I do not think it is unwise to suggest that we spend our time perfecting the details of our relationships as opposed to perfecting the details of our wedding ceremonies. Because again, a fantastic wedding ceremony means nothing if it the two persons getting married are not committed until death do them part.

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